- Treasurer’s Report
- 27K in the bank
- 15K available
- Treasurer’s report approved
- Legend Check remainder
- Zeke will follow up on getting the remaining $400
- Hunter Davis Following Fall
- Fantastic event that raised $890 for JROC
- Photographs were phenominal
- Asks that we thank photographers
- Richmond Grid donated their $100 commitment through PayPal
- Motion approved to write a tax-deduction letter to photographers and a letter of thanks
- King of the James 2017
- Didn’t happen this year
- Bigger event than expected and we need to investigate event insurance
- Hunter would like beneficiary to supply insurance
- Event now has large impact on Reedy Creek and the surrounding area
- Event needs to be revisited in its structure
- Hunter and Joey will write up a proposal for how it will go forward
- Projects
- Projects are going to try to rescheduled on third Sat of month going forward
- December Project: Belle Isle climbing wall
- Will be small group, board members only
- December 17th @ 9am
- We are focusing access to the wall
- Passages has provided replacements bolts for rock face
- If you have harnesses / climbing gear please bring it
- January Project: 14th St
- JROC is getting materials to donated to help with continued erosion
- JROC is also going to receive a job box for holding work materials, maybe?
- JROC is getting material to help stabilize the changing rooms
- January project at 14th st
- Wetlands Project report back
- Possibly 30 people attended
- Riverside Outfitters showed up in mass
- Funded through REI money
- Create certificate of appreciation
- Regular park users appreciate the work
- Signs have been created promoting JROCs work
- $265 total for signs
- Signs
- Nathan will have water condition signs by beginning of next week
- Boats and Brews
- Waiting for report back in January on status on rental equipment
- Hillcrest Gifts
- No reported problems
- Matt R. will look into making a card to send to residents
- State Scenic River Program
- Construction company agreed to hang a sign off of T. Pot. Bridge
- Possibly hand a State Scenic River off the bridge
- Falls Committee created 14th st takeout
- recognition of people who have been fighting since the 60s to save the James
- Booster’s Dam to Rockett’s Landing
- 1972 Falls Committee sought protection to keep Powhite parkways from taking land from river
- Those people became Falls of the James Committee
- 1984 State Scenic River program was introduced with Goose Creek
- Designation is being used in Beatoutot to bring in companies looking for adventure tourism
- City of Richmond has made signs already.
- More signs can be made
- Tricia and Greg will provide verbiage to Nathan for trifold
- Motion approved to put up scenic river sign on T. Pot bridge
- Subcommittees
- Access
- Shifting gears since location is moving from Pony Pasture to Huguenot
- Need confirmation from Coastals
- Events
- Considering taking on King of the James
- Need an MMU with Legend
- Not taking on Reel Festival
- Doing gear swap
- Promotions
- Motion approved for up to $30 for purchasing an email address
- Trails Report
- Work continues on poop loop
- becoming a directional based trail
- certains of the week will have a certain direction
- allows ability to assign blame if there is a head on collision
- up to 4k visitors per month on certain trails
- more details at January JORC meeting
- send comments to Margaret or Tricia
- Fountains
- Working with Venture for Tredegar fountain
- Looking for more year round fountains going forward
- BLVD bridge fountain is operational
- JROC will get name on BLVD fountain for providing excavation money
- Access
- Counters need to be recalibrate to accurately count usage
- Stairs to climbing wall remain an issue
- JROC and other organizations are responsible for the current status of the bridge
- Attention has pivoted downstream towards Stone Brewing
- Missing Link is still a glaring omission from JRPS
- Next riverfront project should be Missing Link to create 10 ft wide connectivity from BLVD to Ancarrows
- Monday @ 12:30 there is a group photo on the T. Pott
- Nathan
- Bringing another 140 acres in easement
- survey is just about done
- removing two acres from park that is skate park in maymont
- park is over its impervious limit by 2.6 acres
- once Williams island is in that will fix over limit issue
- February is expected completion for easement changes
- needs help with survey identifying 45 – 50 companies in region that benefit from park’s existence
- working on getting towers painted by local artists to combat graffiti
- James River hikers are working on that effort
- Parade of Lights is thus saturday
- kick off is on libbie hill
- lights go on at 6pm
- looking for volunteers to help cook
- Solstice event is the 21st
- Tyler went to conference on meaningful watershed conservation
- City won’t pay for it since he is season
- Motion approved for 268.01 to reimburse Tyler
- Zeke report
- Nathan has not heard report from DPU from road blockage at 14th
- Nathan will check if city has stencil for road markings
- Zeke wants to double fines and fines are directed into JRPS funds and not general fund

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