As we approach the end of the year, we are thankful for our JROC members and community supporters for helping us make the James River Park System a better place to work and play. With your help – in time, labor, and/or financial contribution – we made improvements in the Park that provide for greater enjoyment of the river and surrounding areas, as well as cleaned-up and maintained property to help preserve our Park for the future. We’re proud of the work we accomplished, and with your help, we plan to do even more in 2018.
JROC is setting out on its most ambitious project to date. We are committed to improving accessibility for all within the Park. To that end we have authorized $14,250 to procure construction documents of an ADA-compliant river access ramp at Huguenot Flatwater. With those documents, we can take the next step of fully funding the ramp’s construction.
Accomplishing these projects in 2018 requires continued support from our members and supporters. With about a week to go before the New Year, now is the time to make a commitment – a resolution, if you will – to continue supporting JROC and its mission of providing resources to complete improvements in and around the James River Park System. In addition to helping out with our monthly projects in the Park, please consider making a tax-deductible donation to JROC today. Your generous financial contribution will help JROC complete these improvements in the Park in the upcoming year.
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